International cooperation

International cooperation within the ACC

The Academic Coordination Center (ACC) was established in 1991 to coordinate the pedagogical, scientific and research activities of the teaching and research staff of the universities that operate in the Czech-German-Polish border area, in the Euroregion Neisse.

ACC-affiliated partner universities:

Main objectives

The activities of the Academic Coordinating Center (ACC) are related to supporting European academic education in terms of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration. In particular, it is focused on the coordination of international scientific and research projects within the Euroregion Neisse (ERN).

The ACC, through its activities, primarily supports cooperation between institutions of partner universities in teaching and research activities. In addition, it is making efforts to establish contacts in the sphere of services with institutions operating outside the Neisse Euroregion.

By publishing an international journal, ACC JOURNAL provides a platform for the exchange of information and experience in science and research. By organizing international student symposia, scientific seminars, workshops and competitions, it activates and motivates students to take a creative approach to solving research tasks. As part of these activities, it enables the transfer of intercultural and multilingual competencies and supports the mobility of students and teachers.


The Rector’s Representative for Cooperation with the Academic Coordination Center of Higher Education Institutions of the Euroregion Neisse (ACC)

dr hab. Piotr Gryszel, prof. WUEB

e-mail: [email protected]


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