Master’s degree

Master’s degree

Business economics and finance

second degree=master’s degree program

course manager: Dr. Elżbieta Życzkowska

Welcome to the fascinating world of graduate studies in business economics and finance! If you are a young enthusiast who is ready for a challenge and wants to gain the knowledge and skills to achieve professional success, you are in the right place!

Why choose to study business economics and finance?

  1. Multifaceted knowledge and unique skills: Our program will teach you global economics as well as accounting and managerial finance. This means you’ll be ready for a wide variety of career challenges, from working in corporations to business consulting to developing the local government economy.
  2. Global Insight: Understanding the impact of international factors on economic development is a key part of our program. This will enable you to anticipate market trends and introduce innovative solutions to manage the company’s processes.
  3. Creating economic reality: you will learn not only to analyze the current business environment, but also to shape it. Prepare strategic analyses to help companies grow and succeed.
  4. Psychology of finance and teamwork: You will understand the importance of psychology in financial decision-making, which will allow you to better manage risks and achieve better results. In addition, our program places a strong emphasis on interpersonal skills and teamwork, which is extremely valuable in the business world.

And now the most important – your professional future!

After completing our studies, you will have access to a range of attractive career opportunities. You can:

  • Work in corporations: Become an expert in finance or accounting and earn attractive salaries in multinational companies.
  • Be a business advisor: Help businesses grow and succeed by sharing your knowledge and experience.
  • Work in the public sector: Support the development of the local government economy, contributing to the development of your region.
  • Develop your own business: If you dream of having your own business, the knowledge and skills you gain will help you create and successfully run your own enterprise.

In addition, graduates in business economics and finance usually enjoy high salaries and professional stability. This is an investment in your future that is sure to pay off.

Join us, develop your passions and achieve success in a field of study that opens the door to the fascinating world of economics, business and finance. Your future starts right now!

Management in the modern economy

second degree=master’s degree program

direction manager: Dr Tomasz Brzozowski

The best decision of your life: study management in the modern economy

Do you dream of finding a job that not only provides you with financial stability, but also opens the door to the fascinating world of business? Choosing a master’s degree in Management in the Modern Economy is the way to achieve these goals and much more! You get the chance to be a manager right from the start, and unlimited career opportunities open up to you after graduation. Learn the reasons why this study could be your key to success.

  1. Master modern management methods –
    In your studies you will acquire skills related to the latest trends in management. You will learn innovative techniques and tools used by large multinational corporations, as well as how to effectively apply them to the operations of small and medium-sized companies. This translates into competitiveness in the labor market and will allow you to be a step ahead of the competition.
  2. Constant contact with practitioners and enterprises of the region – your adventure in management will not be limited to the lecture hall. Thanks to modern teaching methods, you will have the opportunity to participate in simulations of business processes, which will allow you to take on the role of a manager already in college. In addition, you will establish regular contact with business practitioners, which will help you understand the real challenges and needs of the labor market.
  3. A wide range of professional opportunities – after graduating from the Management in the Modern Economy program, a vast field of professional opportunities will open up to you. Whether you dream of working in quality, personnel management, logistics or marketing, these studies will provide you with the right competencies. By choosing this path, you can aspire to positions such as Director of Business Affairs. quality, quality manager. Personnel, logistics manager or specialist in the field. sales.
  4. Prospect of a well-paying job – with the job market becoming increasingly competitive, it is important to have specialized skills and education. Studying the course will prepare you for professional expansion, which ultimately translates into an attractive salary. You will become a competitive candidate in the job market, which will allow you to choose from job offers that are not only interesting, but also well paid.

By choosing these studies, you will not only gain the knowledge and skills needed in today’s job market, but also open the door to the exciting world of business. Be a manager already in college and prepare to succeed in the fascinating world of management. May it be the best decision of your life!


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