Local education center
The Jelenia Gora branch offers exceptional curricula and access to qualified academic staff.
Our priority is to shape young talents, support their development
intellectual and social, which in the long run contributes to strengthening education in the region and creating attitudes of academic engagement in the community.
Cooperation with business
The Jelenia Gora branch promotes innovation, entrepreneurship and the development of modern skills among students.
By working closely with local businesses and community organizations, we encourage students to create startups and new business initiatives, which contributes to economic development and job opportunities in the region.
The Jelenia Gora branch is committed to developing culture and art at the local level. We organize numerous cultural events, exhibitions, concerts and literary meetings, supporting local artists. Our cultural activities contribute to the formation of social attitudes related to cultural and artistic activity.
Formation of social and civic attitudes
As a UEW Affiliate, we are involved in cooperation with NGOs. We support their projects and initiatives by providing knowledge and expertise in the areas of management, finance and the social economy.
The cooperation supports the development of the non-governmental sector and educates students about the role of social organizations in shaping civic attitudes.
We support social activities, organize volunteerism and promote the ideas of sustainable development and social responsibility. Our role is to prepare students to be active citizens who take social initiatives in their region and contribute to its development.
Informujemy, że Ekonomiczna Pomarańcza podczas najbliższego zjazdu 7-8.01.2023 będzie czynna tylko w niedzielę 8.01.2023. Za utrudnienia przepraszamy.
Adres WWW:Inauguracja 6. edycji programu BIPS – fotorelacja (uew.pl)